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Judy Duarte

Judy Duarte
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3.67 of 5 Votes: 5
Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.7

Books by Judy Duarte


Mulberry Park (2008)

After the first few chapters, I could see where the book was going, but I wanted to go with it. And there were a few surprises that I really enjoyed. Katie was one of them (no spoilers here). The author did a good job of offering a Christian theme while demonstrating how many people struggle with...

Mulberry Park (2008) by Judy Duarte

Christmas On Nutcracker Court (2011)

This was an enjoyable read, and satisfying enough for me to recommend it to others, but there were also elements that bothered me. The main characters were all delightful, well fleshed out, and had both strengths and flaws. The focus on a group of women who are friends was wonderful, as was the m...

Christmas On Nutcracker Court (2011) by Judy Duarte

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