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Mudkin (2011)

Mudkin (2011)

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3.35 of 5 Votes: 3
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0761357904 (ISBN13: 9780761357902)
Carolrhoda Books

About book Mudkin (2011)

Beautifully illustrated book featured in the Huntsville Public Library Story Hour theme of "Mud and Dirt" in July of 2013.A little girl goes out to play in the mud and imagines that she is queen of the mud people, complete with mud crown and mud carriage.The mud people speak a gibberish language that the boys found wildly funny.Sean gave the book 6 stars, Bryce 11 stars! Even though I asked for a rating on a 5 star scale . . . . Ok so this isn't actually wordless, but it's pretty close. The illustrations in this are KILLER. They have all the beautifully painterly splashiness of the tales to tell in the dark, but with vibrant colors and none of the creepy factor. The story itself is whimsical and simple. A girl pretending to be a queen goes to play outside in the mud, where a creature called Mudkin comes to life and takes her to its kingdom. They are all set to play forever until it rains and the mud gets all gloppy. It could be considered a little sad, actually, but I assume Mudkin will be back. This is great for kids who like to play with messy stuff.

Do You like book Mudkin (2011)?

Gammell's "messy" style really works for a book like this. A nice tribute to imaginative play.

This story is mostly told through pictures. I loved the illustrations.

About a girl's imagination when playing in a mud patch.

Loved the art and imagination

This one is pretty weird.

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