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Stephen Gammell

Stephen Gammell
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Books by Stephen Gammell


Mudkin (2011)

Beautifully illustrated book featured in the Huntsville Public Library Story Hour theme of "Mud and Dirt" in July of 2013.A little girl goes out to play in the mud and imagines that she is queen of the mud people, complete with mud crown and mud carriage.The mud people speak a gibberish language ...

Mudkin (2011) by Stephen Gammell

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (1989)

Perhaps the reason I've an affinity for dark & twisted art lies with a trio of books I read as a child. Alvin Schwartz is most known for his collection of folktales marketed towards children. His most famous books--Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, More Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, and S...

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark (1989) by Stephen Gammell

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