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Monday Is One Day (2011)

Monday is One Day (2011)

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3.32 of 5 Votes: 2
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0439789249 (ISBN13: 9780439789240)
Scholastic Press

About book Monday Is One Day (2011)

This short children's book is sweet and it is about how families do not get to spend much time together during the weeks because of school and work, but when the weekend comes, they can spend time together and have fun. It counts down the days until the weekend, starting with "Monday is One Day..."If looking for a book to read children, I would suggest this book, but I did not think that this was a book that would serve the purpose of much more than that. As families wake up to the new week, the hardest part is being away from each other. Follow the days of the week here for a celebration of how working families can connect and spend time together throughout the week. The days continue to move forward from Monday to Tuesday, filled cuddles and puddles. Then come Wednesday and Thursday with raspberry kisses and dinosaur growls. Friday’s the last day of the workweek, so help pick out a tie. Then comes the fun of Saturday and Sunday for families to spend together. Levine has written such a simple book that even the youngest of children will be able to relate to it. The rhymes are easy and feel natural when read aloud. This book is just what working families need to celebrate their own connections and family relationships. The illustrations add diversity and a modern feel to the book. It is packed full of different types of families, all enjoying connections with their children. There are families of different colors, gay parents, and grandparents caring for grandchildren. Happily, nothing is pointed out about the families that are different than the stereotypical norm. Instead this book just celebrates everyone with ease and style.A positive and welcoming book that will have families rejoicing. Appropriate for ages 3-5.

Do You like book Monday Is One Day (2011)?

Nice way to help very attached kids get through the work week.

A story all working parents will appreciate.


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