About book Generation On A Tightrope: A Portrait Of Today's College Student (2012)
This is a must read for educators of the millenia, especially college educators. The information shared by the authors is important to know. However, I found this book very negative, although this was not the intent of the authors, their analysis of today's college students - digital natives - gives readers a very poor image of the future generation.Honestly, I think that we have enough authors listing the problems that plague our young adults, and we also have enough books which vituperate our digital natives. What we need is writers who talk about solutions and what we can do about the problems of our youths! I would recommend reading this book, but be mindful of its negative undertone. Generation on a Tightrope has a lot of interesting and useful information for anyone who works with the millennial generation. Based on a national survey of college students in 2009, the authors lay out the habits, aspirations, and worldview of the generation that is or will soon be populating the workforce. If you like research studies and a full explanation of the results, this book is for you. But if it's the nuggets of information you're interested in, save yourself some time and read the introduction and conclusion chapters. You'll get a great summary of the findings and implications for those working with the millennial generation - higher education, parents and employers.
Do You like book Generation On A Tightrope: A Portrait Of Today's College Student (2012)?
i think, Levine and Dean are trying to top Howe and Stowe with their books on Millennials.
Great book. It was fun to hear the authors speak at NASPA and at DePaul.