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Mommy Midwife (2012)

Mommy Midwife (2012)

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3.46 of 5 Votes: 4
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0373696353 (ISBN13: 9780373696352)
Harlequin Intirgue

About book Mommy Midwife (2012)

This is not a large book and it starts well. I enjoyed the story and the romance even though most of it was right before the baby was born, but a few things bothered me. I didn’t like that it moved so fast and seemed to miss important details and things I wanted to know. Her parents had amazing lives and her sister also and yet the author just alluded to those and left the reader hanging.Also the ending was too fast for me…I wanted more and I wanted the author to spend more time on the ending and not rush it like she did.I think this book is good except for what I stared above and I believe this author can improve her stories by giving them more dimensions and time. Fifty or more pages would have been reasonable and made a much more pulled together book that many readers would enjoy. With the back-story of both characters and especially her family, I think this could have been a much better book and more fulfilling to the reader. Mommy Midwife by Cassie MilesGot this book as a gift for my opinions to Harlequin the past year. Being that I'm over 50 I'm not really interested in reading about how to birth a child and the process but I read the book anyways.From the start the things I wanted to know about: the winter wonderland of Colorado and the bling and shimmer of the dinner party wasn't in the book. It starts with a pregnant woman and things that have happened to her in the past.Her boyfriend and his brother come into play, along with a couple that she had helped deliver the baby. Her parents and sister are all involved and quite a few other Marine friends and fiends. There are 12 character outlined at the beginning of the book and I love that as I got lost real quick and had to revert to using it.Story line just was not believable to me. It only skims a bit of the plot.

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Good book, great characters, intriguing plot.

Great story. Wonderful plot and characters!

Exciting plot. This was a good quick read.

Didn't do it for me.

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