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Cassie Miles

Cassie Miles
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.34

Books by Cassie Miles


Colorado Abduction (2009)

This is not the first time I have read the book ‘Colorado Abduction’. I first read it in April 2014 – only a few months ago – but I have been wanting to read it again ever since. In looking for something easy and appealing to read for my slowly un-fogging brain I hit upon this book.Colorado Abduc...

Colorado Abduction (2009) by Cassie Miles

Mommy Midwife (2012)

This is not a large book and it starts well. I enjoyed the story and the romance even though most of it was right before the baby was born, but a few things bothered me. I didn’t like that it moved so fast and seemed to miss important details and things I wanted to know. Her parents had amazing...

Mommy Midwife (2012) by Cassie Miles

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