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Misappropriate (2000)

Misappropriate (2000)

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About book Misappropriate (2000)

MisappropriateThis book continues with Megan and outlaws wedding and the birth of his son CJ. There is a new threat in town and trying to destroy the clubhouse and some secrets are coming out about outlaws life. Can he handle keeping megan and his son safe from the one man he hates his father ?This book left off with the wedding and birth of cj. If you haven’t read book 1 then you will not have a clue. This was one of my favs as I am an outlaw fan and felt so horrible for him as he tried to keep megan safe and his son safe while dealing with the man of his past . that man caused so much pain to his family and his sister but outlaw has no idea what his father did to her yet. He wonders why she is so hateful to him and his club. When outlaw has had enough can he kill the man that was his in his past? This book was very good and had me not wanting to put it down. I am such a Death Dwellers fan!I was gifted this book for my honest review and loved it! Complimentary copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.Misappropriate picks up pretty much where Misled left off. Meggie and Outlaw are married and have a baby boy. After marrying at a justice of the peace, Meggie has decided she wants the big church wedding, much to Outlaw’s chagrin. Will Meggie be able to convince the officers of the Death Dwellers to clean up and don tuxedos so that she can have her one wish fulfilled, or will her husband threaten to wreck it all?Through the planning of the wedding, we see Meggie and Outlaw’s relationship evolve, as Meggie becomes more and more the picture of an “old lady”. The MC members all realize as well that Meggie is not typical of the MC old lady and that she makes the club house more of a home, and the members of the club more of a family.Just when we thought Meggie and Outlaw would have their HEA in Misled, there is a new antagonist in town that has his sights set on Meggie. Will Meggie make it alive to her wedding day?If the first book wasn’t your thing due to violence or language, this one is more of the same. Outlaw’s language and speech is what you might expect from a biker that dropped out of school in the ninth grade, Ms. Kelly has done an excellent job of catching that and translating Outlaw’s speech to the written word.Once again I loved the relationship between Meggie and Outlaw, the passion between the two just plain hot. Add in the tension between Meggie and Johnnie and it makes for riveting reading. My only complaint is that there seems to be a little more angst than necessary, the same fight between Meggie and Outlaw being revisited, but there are certainly of new issues for them to tackle.The development of the secondary characters has set them up for subsequent books, which is great because we really get to know those characters and the relationships they have with each other. I can’t wait to get started on the next book in the series, Misunderstood, which is Johnnie’s story, whom I absolutely love! Four and half stars for this one!

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Not an average novella, an almost full length continuation of book #1. Review to come!

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