This book is the first part of Minamoto no Yoritomo story by Eiji Yoshikawa. The story is focusing on Yoritomo's life, when his father lost from the battle with Taira clan and he is dumped into Izu, an isolated area in Japan at that time. By reading this book, we could feel about the condition of Japan during emperors era, it contains tragedy, conflict, and love. However, if you expect war story on this first book, you will be disappointed because I believe the war will start on the second book. Can't wait to read the next one! Perkenalan saya dengan legenda keluarga Minamoto ini dimulai dari komik Shanaou Yoshitsune-nya Sawada Hirofumi. Tetapi di komik itu, sosok Yoritomo ini hanya digambarkan sekilas, dan porsinya menjadi lebih banyak di Shanaou Yoshitsune: Genpei War. Di buku ini, kita diajak mengenal sosok Minamoto no Yoritomo lebih dekat. Gaya penceritaannya khas Eiji Yoshikawa sekaliiii... ngeditnya susah. Hiks... :,( Semoga bisa diterima oleh pembaca yaaaaa... :D
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gw pernah bacatentang yoritomo ini di buku apa yah #mengingat2
jelas, lugas, tidak bertele-telemenantikan lanjutannya ;)