About book Martha Doesn't Say Sorry. By Samantha Berger (2010)
I bought this book because I loved the color of the cover. Drawn in beautiful pastels, with lovely illustrations, it's the story of a mole family featuring an imp called Martha. She likes to play, has a warm and loving relationship with her mother, father and brother, but is stubborn when it comes to saying sorry. What follows is a gentle lesson in coaxing an apology from a mulish youngster. When Martha realizes that nobody will play with her, she finally learns the benefit of proper manners. Love this mole! The book is not preachy, and the end is adorable. Plan to use this with my writing students in third grade to discusswriting about manners or saying sorry with sincerity. Will try to getthem interested in the text and persuading others to ask with politenessto receive something. They may find this a persuasive paragraph starter,but I will have back up books if it doesn't start them on a discussion orweb. I like the illustrations and the story.
Do You like book Martha Doesn't Say Sorry. By Samantha Berger (2010)?
Does your little one refuse to apologize? Check out this book! Cute without being preachy.
Adorable with a great lesson. Always say sorry.