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Samantha Berger

Samantha Berger
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Books by Samantha Berger


Martha Doesn't Say Sorry. by Samantha Berger (2010)

I bought this book because I loved the color of the cover. Drawn in beautiful pastels, with lovely illustrations, it's the story of a mole family featuring an imp called Martha. She likes to play, has a warm and loving relationship with her mother, father and brother, but is stubborn when it come...

Martha Doesn't Say Sorry. by Samantha Berger (2010) by Samantha Berger

Martha doesn't share! (2010)

This little otter is still working on her social skills. Reluctantly. Only when the rest of her family decides to have fun without her or her possessions, does she realize how important it is to learn to share. She is solidly outdone by her toddler brother who is much quicker to give Martha a ...

Martha doesn't share! (2010) by Samantha Berger

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