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Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011)

Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011)

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3.27 of 5 Votes: 4
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3825177742 (ISBN13: 9783825177744)

About book Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011)

I really like the pictures in this book.They're great! Maybe Maudie is a bit mean, but I like her anyway. She seemed real, and I'm not trying to say that little kids are mean, Maudie was just a normal kid, and bear was just a nice bear.I don't normally focus on the writing of a children's story, I focus on the beautiful illustrations. And I thought Maudie was fun. Perfect "ladder" for the upcoming A BOY AND A BEAR IN A BOAT (June 2012) wherein we will see more of this kind of Maudie behavior and more long-suffering on the part of a bear. The illustrations here are beautiful. Who wouldn't love a nursery decked out in bear-themed decor without the boorish behavior of Maudie (which sounds too much like Maddie for my comfort--my Maddie is a princess. . .who has been given to moments of "Mad-i-tude," but I wish I could have seen something in Maudie that would have brought her around full-circle into the friendship).

Do You like book Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011)?

lovely lovely pictures. a compendium of several stories. book about friendship.

Great illustrations, but the plot and text just didn't do it for me.

Review to follow soon.

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