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Jan Ormerod

Jan Ormerod
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.27

Books by Jan Ormerod


Maudie and Bear (2012)

Maudie is used to having her way, and luckily for her, her companion, Bear, is quite patient and quietly tolerates her detours, her rudeness, and her insecurities in a series of five different adventures. It's a good thing Maudie has Bear since there aren't a lot of individuals who would be conte...

Maudie and Bear (2012) by Jan Ormerod

Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011)

I really like the pictures in this book.They're great! Maybe Maudie is a bit mean, but I like her anyway. She seemed real, and I'm not trying to say that little kids are mean, Maudie was just a normal kid, and bear was just a nice bear.I don't normally focus on the writing of a children's story,...

Marietta Und Ihr Bär (2011) by Jan Ormerod

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