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Making A Little Wrong Into Something Right (2013)

Making a Little Wrong into Something Right (2013)

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3.4 of 5 Votes: 1
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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Making A Little Wrong Into Something Right (2013)

I've read this story before, but it's just so sexy I couldn't resist reading it again. As it says in the warning, it does contain cheating, but if we're honest, it's pretty obvious from the very beginning where this story is going, plus the characters are genuinely remorseful for their actions and have to deal with the consequences. In other words, it's very realistic, and the steamy romance between Mateo and Gabriel is just yummy. Sweet and sexy is this story in a nutshell. I really want the author to get Lucas and Javier's story written, because I'm sure that's going to be a story to behold! The author goes to great lengths to really create zero chemistry between Gabe and Javier, so that when Mateo makes his move, readers aren't totally alienated. Nita and Lucas feature quite prominently in the initial stages of the story so I was somewhat disappointed to see their role fade away just as the action really ramped up.I am glad we were given the full development of Javier's reaction to the situation and that lovely twisty hopefully happy HEA maybe....

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I enjoyed the tug of war dynamic. Three stars

I have to agree with Yvonnes review...

3.5* I want more...

3.5 stars

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