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L.L. Bucknor

L.L. Bucknor
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 2.87

Books by L.L. Bucknor


Geeking Out on 11C (2014)

This book was so interesting just based on the MC Ed, the self-imposed agoraphobic and possible autistic character. His thought process was off the wall funny. Gotta love a guy who names his fish Atari and plays Sims 2 while also planning travel vacations for clients he will never meet. Then we m...

Geeking Out on 11C (2014) by L.L. Bucknor

Making a Little Wrong into Something Right (2013)

I've read this story before, but it's just so sexy I couldn't resist reading it again. As it says in the warning, it does contain cheating, but if we're honest, it's pretty obvious from the very beginning where this story is going, plus the characters are genuinely remorseful for their actions an...

Making a Little Wrong into Something Right (2013) by L.L. Bucknor

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