Maggie is happy and healthy and on her last Pound Patrollers meeting, she and Arnie were invited to help with a new company, Patrol This (Pound Patrollers for kids) and design the website. Maggie is also a junior counselor for swimming at Camp Sound View. She becomes friends with Ben, Jason, and Polly. She doesn't get to talk to Aimee that often so they get into a fight and Aimee won't speak to her. Since she is so busy whith her new friends, she and Arnie and Aimee are growning apart. But, when her new friends do something rude, She realizes how important her real friends are. I would recommend this book to a girl who likes a good read. I recommend that you read the first one first. Maggie hates her life, she wishes she was popular, her dad is allways switching new jobs, they dont live in the best place and her past is befor she once weighed 180. but now with the help of a weight loss gruop and her best friends by her side she got to 120 and was a healthy 7th grder. But when she has to be a swim instructor at her lil sisters camp she meants new and popluar friends... shes so destracted by her new friends that she forgets her old and real friends.... does she ditch her old friends and hang with the new??? WELL READ THIS BOOK AND FIND OUT!!!!! oh well this is the second book so read the first!
Do You like book Maggie Bean Stays Afloat (2008)?
I lovedthis book! Maggie and Arnie's relationship was absolutely adorable!
Another cute Maggie Bean book. I'm hanging on to these for my girls.
great book ties along great with first book
1st one was ok... so i want to read it....