This erotic zombie novel had some good scenes and a few interesting twists on the zombie story, but I had a hard time finding a character to root for. There were some good action scenes, but when the characters pondered the implications of the zombie apocalypse, things ground to a halt. The best part of the book was the ending, which offered some truly interesting ideas about the aftermath of the fiasco. I really give this book a zero. I should have read a paragraph before I picked this one up but I didn't. I wasn't careful about What zombie book I read, I just like zombie books. Now I'm more careful. This is a terrible book, there is almost no character development, and all of the characters are depraved. The sex scenes are just disgusting as well as inappropriately placed in the story and lack any kind of creativity. I stopped reading the book at the zeppelin ride because I didn't want to pollute my mind anymore. Terrible writing.
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Bill thought this was very good and well written. I could not get into it. Very strange book.
Don't know if it contains spoilers and don't care. The story of Zombies-R-Us told.