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Amelia Beamer

Amelia Beamer
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Books by Amelia Beamer


Loving Dead, The (2010)

This erotic zombie novel had some good scenes and a few interesting twists on the zombie story, but I had a hard time finding a character to root for. There were some good action scenes, but when the characters pondered the implications of the zombie apocalypse, things ground to a halt. The best...

Loving Dead, The (2010) by Amelia Beamer

The Loving Dead (2010)

What if the zombie virus was a sexually transmitted disease? It's an interesting premise, but this book doesn't really carry it out very well. Basically, you get the zombie virus through bodily fluids, which is pretty normal. Zombies want to get their bodily fluids on you--also fairly standard. T...

The Loving Dead (2010) by Amelia Beamer

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