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Love UnExpected (2013)

Love UnExpected (2013)

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MKT Publishing

About book Love UnExpected (2013)

This series is getting better. I didn't feel as if the pace of the book stalled and then sped up like in the first book.This booked explored AD & RB discovering their deep felt love of one another. RB needs to hurry up and get over her trust issues and AD needs to go ahead and fully disclose all things he is keeping from AD, it will only make them stronger. So cute how RB named the dog after them both, awwww. Tara needs to catch a clue and move on. Not liking the Dawn chick at all. Okay now I'm waiting to see how AD and Yaz handles Big D. Love Unexpected was another great read and the storyline developed more since the first book which drew me all into the book.While reading this book I feel like Love Belvin put me on a roller coaster and strapped me in and did not let me off the ride until the last page. The raw emotions that are displayed in this book will touch your mind, body and soul. Rayna and all insecurities was so relatable to me because sometime when you have been hurt and disappointed you developed insecurities that are hard to let go of.This story continues the love story between Rayna and Azmir is still going thru it issues but it encompasses true love that has other things that must be work thru before love will take over. The patience that Azmir displays is remarkable and makes you fall for him from day one .The love scene are scorching and well developed and helps you to understand the dynamics of their relationship. This novel has all the right elements, and it makes you go thru all kind of emotions will you read it.In conclusion, this is a great follow up to the first book.

Do You like book Love UnExpected (2013)?

I finished this book in one day. I can't wait to see what else is in store for Rayna and Azmir.

Rayna..... Rayna...... Rayna.... frustrates me to No end.....onto Book 3

Awesome, I just can't get enough of Rayna & Azmir.....On to part three!!


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