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Love Lost (2013)

Love Lost (2013)

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4.22 of 5 Votes: 4
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Smashwords/MKT Publishings

About book Love Lost (2013)

There is a good plot in this first of four book series but it is buried under poor grammar, awkward writing, poor word choice and/or usage, improperly or inappropriate word usage, and a lack of proofreading. I understandd that the characters are urban and many involved in the drug scene are uneducated but the street slang and urban dialect made some of the dialogue hard to understand. These problems spoiled what good points there were in this story of Ms. Brimm, the escapee of the housing projects, and her troubled romance with Azmir a wealthy drug dealer going legit.At over 300 pages, this book is not one of those where the entire book is the length of a chapter. ***Was gifted a copy for an honest review***I gave this book 4 stars. When I first started this book it was really slow and my first thought was “oh no, not another book I am not going to like”. I also didn’t understand a lot of what was being said in the beginning so I was very confused a lot. As I continued reading the book it started to get a lot better. By the end of the book I was in love with it and was looking forward to reading the next book in the series.This book was very beautifully written. After the beginning it flowed well and I loved the characters. It made me feel like I was a part of the story. Would recommend to everyone.

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