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Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing Of Rachel Carson (1999)

Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson (1999)

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0807085472 (ISBN13: 9780807085479)
beacon press

About book Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing Of Rachel Carson (1999)

A well-chosen collection of writings of Rachel Carson, spanning her career and offering insight into her development as an ecologist, writer, and advocate. The selections include articles, personal letters, book prefaces, public speeches, and excerpts from Carson's field notebooks. Many of the pieces themselves are slightly formal in style - the descriptions of natural habitats are lyric; virtually all offer incisive observations about the natural world. Editor Linda Lear, who has published a biography of Carson (Witness for Nature), prefaces each selection with an explanatory note; these are thoughtful and nuanced, and place the collected passages in their historic and biographical contexts. It's amazing and somewhat distressing to realize how many of the warnings Carson offered (about the destruction of habitats, the indiscriminate release of man-made chemicals into the environment, and the danger of relying on industries to fund or disclose research into the impacts of their products) remain as sharply relevant now as when she wrote or said them 50+ years ago.

Sometimes under a halogen with luck you'll meet the greatest writing in the world for yourself. More sensitive than Tolstoy, more informative wiki. At every time feeling disconnected I open it with my thumb and reguardless of the place I sink in and it is possible to read Rachel Carson's dedication for Claude DeBussy's newest work titled "La Mer", she had been called above all others because she thinks and responds to The Ocean as if it had the personality of a walking talking human being, a most wonderful style in this day and age.It truly is the most important person in her life. And then I can arise in touch with my existence again, It is a awakening to the splendor of all the living being done every day by even the smallest creatures at my feet amongst the wet leaves, it's a symphony, each sound related in true respect, as the rabbit for the lion.

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