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Linda Lear

Linda Lear
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Books by Linda Lear


Under the Sea Wind (2007)

The book started out as an assignment she completed in 1936, when she was an unemployed zoologist and freelance writer for the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Asked to write an introduction to a brochure on marine life, she submitted an essay entitled “The World of Waters” neatly typed by her mother, a...

Under the Sea Wind (2007) by Linda Lear

Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson (1999)

A well-chosen collection of writings of Rachel Carson, spanning her career and offering insight into her development as an ecologist, writer, and advocate. The selections include articles, personal letters, book prefaces, public speeches, and excerpts from Carson's field notebooks. Many of the ...

Lost Woods: The Discovered Writing of Rachel Carson (1999) by Linda Lear

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