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Lost Daughters (2013)

Lost Daughters (2013)

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0758274726 (ISBN13: 9780758274724)

About book Lost Daughters (2013)

I thought I would never finish this book!!! I love Mary Monroe and read so many of her books but this one just got on my nerves cause it seemed so long and drawned out. I had to finish reading it cause I loved the first book(Moma Ruby-Upper Room))and I wanted to see how the story was gonna play out. I think it was because the characters didn't move me and I couldn't get excited about them and the things they were doing.I wanted to beat the snot out of Loretta for being so ungrateful and disrespectful and slap the piss out of Maureen for being so slow acting.Nevertheless, I finished it and I'm ready for another book by her. I think you can get another book out of the Moma Ruby legacy but just add a little more spice. LOL Lost Daughters (Mama Ruby) by Mary Monroe is the third book, of the Mama Ruby series. Mama Rudy secret is revealed and others are created. The focus is on main characters Maureen Montgomery and her daughter Loretta. Maureen will hold nothing back to make her daughter happy; however, Loretta lacks respect. Their relationship is similar to mother/daughter in movie Mildred Pierce. If you seen the movie, you have the dynamics of their relationship. Overall, I am disappointed with this follow-up. I forced myself to finish. It is boring, long, drags and confusing. My favorite part of the book is the ending. The ending was touching. I recommend borrowing!

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Even in death Mama Ruby is a powerful force!

This was surprisingly a very good read.

Excellent and the Ssga continues!

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