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Family Of Lies (2014)

Family of Lies (2014)

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3.7 of 5 Votes: 4
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0758274742 (ISBN13: 9780758274748)

About book Family Of Lies (2014)

Book was good although I hate some of the secrets and lies were never revealed. I was hoping that Vera's hidden secrets would come to light. Although she was wrong, she wasn't the only one and she truly got a raw deal. Funny how men can't acknowledge their own wrong doing when there are 4 fingers pointing back at you as you point at someone else. I could see a sequel 10 years later although one of the characters wouldn't be able to resurface. Vera Lomax goes from rags to riches after getting married. Vera vows to never be the broke Texas girl again, so she stays on top of her game by catering to her older husband. Being a wife to an older man is not easy, so she balances it out with lots of shopping sprees and undercover affairs. Vera knows that her husband is not faithful, but she turns a blind eye to his extracurricular activities. Well, that is until she finds out that one of his mistresses is pregnant with his child. That’s when she comes up with a plan to make her disappear.Since Sarah Cooper was a young girl, she always had in her mind that her life would be better than what society thought it ‘should’ be. After losing her mother to a tragic accident, life as, she knew it soon changes. Sarah learns who her father is and things start to look up. Finally able to leave the ghetto and move into a mansion Sarah is happy…that is until she meets her stepmother. Right from the start, Sarah can tell that she is going to be a problem.With two women battling, both for love and fortune, who will come out on top once all the lies and deceit have been revealed?Once again, Mary Monroe has penned another riveting book. I really enjoyed this read and must say that it is very different from previous books she has written. From the first page, you were drawn into the story. It had plenty of drama and funny scenes. Although the storyline was good, it did slow down, so much, that it seemed like the story was going on and on. I was slightly disappointed because it felt like something was missing to give it that final bang.Katrina

Do You like book Family Of Lies (2014)?

Poorly written with characters you don't care about. I tried but half way through I quit.

I like Mary Monroe's books. This was not her best. I still will read her books.

The lesson I get from this is you cannot build a life on a lie or more.

Good read!! Money will make some people do crazy things.

Great story! The love of money is wicked!

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