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Life Lessons (2011)

Life Lessons (2011)

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4.09 of 5 Votes: 3
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MLR Press

About book Life Lessons (2011)

The book was somewhat entertaining, but suffered from a poorly paced relationship. The story started off strong but began to drag after a few chapters. By the half way point, I was wondering if the two main characters, Mac and Tony were ever going to get together as their handful of encounters had not led to any sense that a relationship was anywhere on the horizon. Then boom all of a sudden they are go from zero to hundred in the relationship department, propelled by circumstances that did not seem at all conducive to feeling the sexy.Likewise the mystery started off in an intriguing fashion but then just fizzled as the identity of the culprit became obvious. It also seemed like there was a huge editing snafu as one character, Marty, seemed to have been excised from the book at some point, but his lingering presence cast a huge shadow over the story for me. It made Tony seem like the world's worst friend and a terrible human being given his utter lack of concern for poor, forgotten Marty, who didn't even warrant a mention in the summation.Mac and Tony's characters could have used more depth. Personally, I just hated Mac being referred as the "larger" or "big" man and Tony being constantly referenced in Mac's mind as "the boy". To me "boy" is just yuk. Is Mac supposed to be a closeted pedophile or something?One thing that I did appreciate is that author seemed to have done her homework on the police procedural portion of the story. The final suspense sequence was the strongest section of the book, owning in large part to the believable actions of the police. Before I start with the review I have to say it out load :WTF this hideous cover has to do with this amazing book?!?!?! Kaje, love , you are an amazing writer change your art-director ASAP, I almost skipped the book because of it and I'm not the only one . Having said that and taking it off my chest let me say how much I loved this book . It was very accurate in the sense that it has the right amount of suspense, romance, sex, dialogues and rhythm , some would say it was too slow, but that what made it so good and convincing to me, and as we say in Hebrew: "food that takes long too cook usually taste much better" it's so sweet to have them together after a long wait .... I also think that not too much sex is good way to keep the tension and not make a book boring and cheap, so I appreciate that it only had two major sex scenes both amazingly hot . Kate Harper is one of my favorite MM authors especially in gfy/ofy books but also big age gap which I love in romance her characters are simple yet amazing and real, and this book is no different, I'm so glad it's a series and I have more Tony and Mac to look for . I need the next installment like oxygen ;)))

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3.5 Stars rounded up! A very enjoyable read!Review tomorrow! :)

Very predictable but still an enjoyable reading.

What a great story!!

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