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Home Work (2012)

Home Work (2012)

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MLR Press

About book Home Work (2012)

There is only one thing wrong with the third installment of Mac and Tony: it wasn't long enough. Kaje Harper creates characters, so invitingly real that you wished they were your own next door neighbors or even a part of your own family. In some ways, they become like family. Three novels in this series read and only one to go. Too bad there isn't a fifth, but I sure am glad there are these four to read and enjoy. I quite enjoyed the first two books so am not sure what really happened here. All of a sudden I stopped reading it at 80% and didn't pick it up again to finish for a month or two. I frequently love reading about the everyday "after" lives of characters after their initial HEA but for some reason i'm gonna give Tony and Mac a rest before book four and see if they can get their shiny back. Note (spoiler): I appreciated the aphasia bit, many people suffer some sort of aphasia after stroke/head injury and aphasias a super interesting (while giving me the complete creeps as someone who speaks multiple languages and works on languages in day-to-day life).

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