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İlerden Üçüncü Mezar (2014)

İlerden Üçüncü Mezar (2014)

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About book İlerden Üçüncü Mezar (2014)

This is not my usual genre as of late, although I read the first two books a couple of years ago. Charley Davidson, the grim reaper, PI with a twist. I would have to say that this was the best book of the series so far. While Jones continues with her underlying plotline of Charley/Reyes, she also adds in a lot of suspense and continued tension via other characters. I really probably would have given this a 3.5 stars, because it's just a bit better than the average romantic mystery. Much to my dismay, this series seems to be falling into that same trap that other series fall into: the plot revolves around a cyclical problem and the female protagonist is an idiot simply to drive the story forward. I hope, against all odds, that Darynda Jones doesn't keep doing this in the books to follow this one. The humor is still quick, though, and it actually makes me laugh out loud at some points. And Reyes is still as alluring as ever, but Charley is unbelievably frustrating to the point where sometimes I wanted to throw the book at the wall.On to book four!

Do You like book İlerden Üçüncü Mezar (2014)?

Huh. It was pretty damn good, except the ending was kind of a cop-out. I liked it a lot though ^_^

I'm liking this series more as the characters are developed.

Just an entertaining series: funny,witty,a smidge sexy.

This was a page-turner!

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