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Le Contrat (2014)

Le contrat (2014)

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3.89 of 5 Votes: 4
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Edwards Publishing

About book Le Contrat (2014)

4.0 Stars!!!Short, well written part 1 of a story which is intriguing, frightening and so interesting as we are treated to bizarre behavior of a maniac who takes a woman from the world to lived trapped in his world....almost as if she is put in a dollhouse, made to do and dress the way he wants as he plays mind games on her...all the while she is tugged from being the possession which is prized and valued to one which a careless owner throws about. Her senses are heightened as she tries to figure out how she is going to survive in order to escape this monster. I took a chance on this book because it showed up in my recommendations on Amazon and I'm glad I did :) I started this book and finished it in one day is how great it was. I was just sad to see it end because I felt that once I started reading it, I flew through it because I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. It does kind of have a cliffhanger but the other books are coming out so quick, it really didn't bother me to wait. At the beginning she explains how the book will jump in the date some which I thought would be confusing, but I ended up liking how you get to find out how Lilly made it the point of waking up in a room and not knowing how she got there, plus some of her history before this all happened.The blurb really says it all for book 1 and Scarlett's writing just flows. The story line for me at first sounds like other dark books that I've read but it takes off in a different direction unlike those once you get into it. I applaud her for giving me something different to read and can't wait for the rest! I suggest you do what I did and take a chance if you haven't heard of her because you're missing out if you love dark reads!!

Do You like book Le Contrat (2014)?

i really like this book !!! not sooo much the cliffhanger waiting for part 2 !!!!

Review to come along with Blog Tour on 3/26...

3.5 StarsReview Under BookJunkyGirls


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