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Percée à Nue 4: Châtiment (2014)

Percée à nue 4: Châtiment (2014)

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Edwards Publishing

About book Percée à Nue 4: Châtiment (2014)

4.4 stars!!! I hate it and yet I love it! I can't put it down. The story line intrigues me. Why is he doing this? All we know is what is in her head....we have no idea why her captor has her pinned down like a fly in a spider web. She fights human emotions of jealousy, longing, lust because inside her head she knows it is wrong. He is a monster, he is cruel, he is insane. What day is it? She is a mouse in a maze....every step she takes to uncover a step where she makes a mistake to a game where she does not always know the rules. Every once in a while she uncovers something new about him....but what does it mean? Will she live? What will happen to her? Will she lose her mind? I keep reading..... Jeremy Stonehart you make Javier from Sins and Needles look like a Sunday School teacher. I personally would like to dive in and save Lilly from your monstrous clutches and get that horrible collar from around her neck.Honestly this book through up more questions than answers but OMG I think I seriously need to question my sanity, because I fancy the pants of Mr Stonehart. He is one evil pig either that or with his dual personality he has an identical twin brother hiding in that mansion.Just when I got frustrated with the ever so short last book, Scarlett comes up with this thrilling longer page turner. Totally hooked on this series and the next instalment is due out on the 30th June, thank goodness.

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I will give my review when the final novellas are out and the story concludes.

3.5 stars

Ho Boy!!

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