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Kit Feeny: On The Move (2009)

Kit Feeny: On the Move (2009)

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3.61 of 5 Votes: 4
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0375856145 (ISBN13: 9780375856143)
Knopf Books for Young Readers

About book Kit Feeny: On The Move (2009)

Kit moves to a new school. He dearly misses his best friend and looks for a replacement for his best friend. After being bullied at school about his flowery tropical shirt, he comes to realize that he won't be able to replace his friend but he can make new friends. He makes a new friend who comes to school in a flowery tropical shirt one day. And then figures out that by giving the bully good jokes he can stop the bully from picking on him, a plot twist that didn't work for me and seemed really implausible. A simple two-color graphic novel for the middle elementary-age set. Boys will like Kit and his friends. I liked the way that it showed how hard it is to move and make new friends. I also really liked the ending, where Kit helps the school bus bully write jokes. But I'm not a fan of the small format - I wish it was bigger, and so the text and pictures didn't seem so crowded. I read this aloud with my kindergartner (a girl), and she really liked the humor and friendship, but this would definitely appeal to boys as well.

Do You like book Kit Feeny: On The Move (2009)?

In the genre of super silly graphic novels this series is definitely one of my favs!

Great for the middle-grades set.

Cute and wonderful.


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