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Michael Townsend

Michael  Townsend
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Books by Michael Townsend


Amazing Greek Myths of Wonder and Blunders (2010)

All done in comic form, this book goes over some of the stories in Greek mythology. Fans of Percy Jackson will be interested in reading about the original Perseus, or finding out about why children of Athena might be afraid of spiders. There are also other stories like King Midas's golden touch a...

Amazing Greek Myths of Wonder and Blunders (2010) by Michael  Townsend

Kit Feeny: On the Move (2009)

Kit moves to a new school. He dearly misses his best friend and looks for a replacement for his best friend. After being bullied at school about his flowery tropical shirt, he comes to realize that he won't be able to replace his friend but he can make new friends. He makes a new friend who comes...

Kit Feeny: On the Move (2009) by Michael  Townsend

Cute & Cuter (2013)

Very cute!Little Janie Jane is cute as a button herself, but when she receives a puppy for her birthday, Sir Yips-a-lot is the cutest thing in the whole wide world. They spend the year together, doing all sorts of fun and cute things. At Janie Jane's next birthday she receives a kitten for her ...

Cute & Cuter (2013) by Michael  Townsend

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