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Kissed By Fire (2000)

Kissed by Fire (2000)

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About book Kissed By Fire (2000)

I read the first Sunwalker book and enjoyed it -- so I got the second in the series and was not disappointed. Who Morgan Bailey is, is becoming, and what is in store for her -- from her relationships to the important people in her life, to her relationship with herself -- as her powers change and grow. The book straddles light comedy with dark forboding in an intriguing way. Guess I have to buy the next one to see what happens. Wickedly Fantastic!I strongly suggest you read the previous book in the series [Kissed by Darkness] prior to reading this installment.This second installment was intense and explosive! I loved everything about it, especially the dragons. The author really knows how to snag her audience's attention and keep you hooked right from the beginning to the very end. My attention was completely cemented to the story, which was so exquisitely done, I never wanted this book to end.When I first begin a book, I usually have a slightly difficult time settling into the plot and getting immersed into the story. However, not with this series. I fell right into the storyline so smoothly and effortlessly right from the start. The author does a marvelous job at intertwining multiple mythologies into one storyline that is simply brilliant, with flawless character development and world depictions. I highly recommend this series to fellow dark urban fantasy readers and I anxiously await the next book Kissed by Smoke due out 12/2011. I also look forward to reading the authors new series Dragon Wars, first book Dragon Warrior.I also recommend: Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, Book 5) Spider's Revenge (Elemental Assassin Books) Green-Eyed Demon (Sabina Kane) Crimson Wind (Horngate Witches) A Galaxy Unknown

Do You like book Kissed By Fire (2000)?

Just as good as the first book, if not better. Fast becoming a favorite series. Full review to come.

Enjoyed this book. Still like and enjoy the characters. There be dragons here.

Morgan is lots of fun and discovering new secrets at every turn!

It certainly has a bright spark.

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