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Kissed By Darkness (2011)

Kissed by Darkness (2011)

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Sunwalker Press

About book Kissed By Darkness (2011)

3.5 stars. This was kind of like a weird cross between Buffy and Supernatural and Atlantis or something. IDEK. I mean, Morgan is a badass vampire hunter who developed certain powers after she was nearly killed by a vampire three years ago. She works for a PI agency that chases down vampires and demons (*cough* Angel Investigations *cough*), is friends with a psychic/seer named Cordelia, and her boss/best friend is a badass witch/demon hunter (aka a Giles/Willow hybrid). There's a mysterious loner dude who turns out to be just a wee bit older than her (Angel), and a close friend/possible love interest who has weird powers of his own that he can't/won't explain (Sam Winchester). There were some fabulously hilarious quotes, my favourite of which was "Some days I just want to quit my job and become a professional doughnut eater". Um, YES. So between that and the characters, who were generally pretty fun, it was an enjoyable read. Though I could have done without the love triangle elements, especially Morgan's constant "oh God, he's really hot and I know I totally shouldn't, but I'mma make out with him". The shift from full blown paranormal urban fantasy to "hey guess what, Atlantis was real and you're descended from them and maybe they were from another planet" was a little bizarre, but considering I got it for 99c as a Kindle deal of the day, I think I got my money's worth. "Kissed by Darkness" had the potential to be a good book but failed miserably due to unimaginative characters and cliche plots and subplots. When I first read the description for this book, I was looking forward to a kickass urban fantasy but what I received was disappointment.Morgan was bitten by a vampire 3 years ago and her life changed forever. Instead of turning into a vampire she remained human but with greater strength and abilities. When Morgan's Bff and handler, Kabita, gives her a government sanction job to locate an amulet and kill the Skywalker who stole it, her life is about to change forever.The job was commissioned by a private citizen whose desire for the Skywalker is less than pure and before Morgan willingly kills her target she will need to use every resource at her disposal in ascertaining the truth.Initially, what bothered me about this story was how the author continually refers to Morgan's attack. I wish she had just started the story with the attack and fast forwarded the story to the present. Then, the plot began to deteriorate further with unimaginative references to the Knights Templars, the the City of Atlantis and finally alien planets. The only thing that was missing was Bigfoot! Why not stick with one idea and develop it well?I n addition, I am not sure how I really felt about Morgan. She was a middle of the road character who seemed to gave sex on her mind as much or more than she DUD getting at the truth. Hey, don't get me wrong I love sexual tension and hot monkey love but the plot needs to be developed in that direction rather than just wham, right in your face.In the end I purchased book one and two at the same time convinced I would love this series; however, after reading this book I sent book two back for a refund. Read this one for yourself and decide. It just was not the right read for me.

Do You like book Kissed By Darkness (2011)?

I am torn between a 2 and a 3. It was a light fluffy paranormal romance/mystery but nothing special.

I'd like to read this book but it is not available for the Nook from BN.

Pretty good, though needed some tighter editing. Enjoyable read.


3 1/2 stars

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