The final installment in the trilogy, Key of Valor, revolves around Zoe McCourt, a young single mom who has worked her way out of a less privileged life to provide something better for her son, Simon, and herself. I think Zoe was my favorite of the three. She had reservations about the search for the keys and her burgeoning romance, but for the right reasons. Her stubbornness didn't bother me the same way Malory's and Dana's did - their reservations seemed to be there only to create some sense of internal struggle that seemed to me to be more artifice than fact - when Zoe's internal struggle really was there since she had someone besides herself to think about, her son. Zoe is a tough woman who knows what she wants and works to get it. She turned doing hair in the kitchen of her mom's trailer into a strength as she opens her own salon and stands on her own two feet. She's certainly the most ambitious of the three and her developing relationship with Bradley Vane is the most believable of the books, in my opinion. Bradley is not only friends with Flynn and Jordan (Malory & Dana'a romantic interests) but also the man in charge of a national chain of home improvement stores. His wealth and privilege intimidate Zoe and the hurdles that they face in her search for the key seem very real. I thought their story was sweet and endearing. The book did get a tiny bit monotonous - it was like Roberts wanted to be 100% sure we didn't forget that Zoe came from a trailer park or that she was a hard worker. I get it, you've shown it to me throughout, no need to tell me every twenty pages too. But ah well, it wasn't that bad. Overall I thought that this was a fun series. The suspense is there, the plot is a fun fantasy that is out there but in a fun way, and the characters, however superficial they may be at times, were interesting and fit well into the overall story. If I had to rate my favorites, it would be Zoe, Malory, Dana. Zoe and Malory were just stronger characters both in their own books and in their supporting roles whereas Dana came across as whiny and just fell short of the strong saucy character I think Roberts was trying to create. These were a fun read and I would recommend them for some lazy day reading. Just don't say I didn't warn you about the cliches because they are definitely there, they are, at the end of the day, still romance novels after all. But every now and again, that's just what you feel like reading.
This is everything you could wish for in a book and more. It’s really true that when you turn the final pages of a book, you feel as though you’ve lost a friend… or maybe found a long-lost one. As I said in my review of the first book, this series got recommended to me by two friends. I’m so glad I chose this series to start with rather than another. This series, as I said, is everything I could wish for in a series. The description was excellent, but not over the top. The characters were very real and relatable, as if they were my own. The villain, Kane, was super scary! And finally the Celtic gods, were utterly magnificent. For once I’m actually lost for words on how to describe how I feel about this book. It’s the best of the three by far, the conclusion is utter and peaceful, very nicely rounded. If I could give more than five stars, I would give this series ten. This is more than a favourite book or series, I never thought I’d actually say that, but it’s true. I want to pick them straight back up and read them all over again to enjoy ever minute of it and savour everything. However, I think I’m going to choose another series by the same author and see where that takes me.Zoe was the perfect character to finish with. She’s the warrior, the courage and the valour. She fights physically, emotionally, and even spiritually in this book with everything she has. It’s perfect.The ending to the book is everything you never knew you wished. We’re so used to being unconsciously let down by the ending of our favourite books we don’t even know it, but this series tops them all. If I could recommend any book to any lover of fantasy, mystery or romance, it’d be this series.My only words: It’s simply perfect.If you liked my review, please visit my book blog at:
Do You like book Key Of Valor (2003)?
I loved this book. I loved the interactions of Brad with Simon and Zoe with Simon. Zoe is a single mother hurt in a teenage romance. Simon is well portrayed as a nine-year-old boy. At first I couldn't see how she could be the one chosen for valor, but she began to prove me wrong in believable ways, and I was grateful for that. I liked the way all the struggle was going on in the midst of busy lives. It makes it all seem so . . . possible. It makes me believe that I could be preparing thanksgiving dinner and fighting the powers of evil at the same time. YAY!
—Mary Taitt
A satisfying end to a pretty decent trilogy. It was a little predictable after reading the 1st 2 novels but that's to be expected with trilogies like this.In the first & second book I was a very big fan of Zoe but once I read her story... I didn't really care for her too much. But she is a loving mother & very much a Little Warrior.Brad - the good guy, perfection on earth, there was absolutely nothing wrong with him... and yet - Ugh! Can you say boring?!?Simon however was such a little charmer and a total doll. He really made the story for me. In terms of which books I liked better, I'd put the books in order as #2, #3, then #1. I rated them each 3 Stars since I thought they were all better than Ok but I wouldn't write home to my mama about them either.
Out of the three books of the key trilogy, this is the one where i have trouble connecting to the character, due to the lack of similarities, Zoe and i share. She is a single mother that gave birth to her baby during her work shift at a reknown supermarket. I can't ever imagine that happening to me... hopefully. The reason why i love reading this series is because it does a really good job of implying a fantasy world, into reality. It seems like something i would watch on the sci-fi channel. And the coincidences that happen in the book, is also really funny. I'm actually a little sad that the series is over. But at least it ended on a good note. And when it was all over, they still remembered each other. I hate movies and books where the characters go throught so much together but in the end, they wake uo abd they forget everything as if it never happened.