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Just One Night, Part 4 (2000)

Just One Night, Part 4 (2000)

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About book Just One Night, Part 4 (2000)

I enjoyed this part of the series too, it felt shorter to me even though it was around the same number of pages. Of course I love the conference room scene, they are hot as a couple. I just want to smack Ingrid,she is so mean and spiteful and I hate how she got to Jennifer. I loved what Edward did for William, I think it changed their relationship for the better some. Of course Miss Meechum is showing off her skills in this book too and she is so funny. I could not believe that Hank had the nerve to show up at Jennifer's apartment again, he is a lowlife. I love that William sought Jennifer out at her apartment and it was great that he was honest with her but I did not like her response, I really didn't understand it, I don't know what he did wrong???? I hate that he walks away and my heartbreaks and for once I am angry and frustrated with Jennifer. Then comes Edward and Mia to the rescue and after this William and Jennifer decide to start fresh which is wonderful. Then the worst part comes and William's father is in his office waiting for him, Ingrid is at it again but I was horrified at how his father treated him, William is the one person that did so much work to keep the business going, and his father threatens him and gives him an ultimatum. The ending was a shocker, I can't wait to see what happens next. I can't get enough of this series. Elle Casey is such an amazing writer. I laughed, i got pissed, i got so frustrated andnthen laughed again and oh my gosh this was such a whirlwind of a story. William my dear, you are so perfect let me take you home please. I got seriously pissyon Jen's denial when William made it to a point to find her at her apartmet and confess things but despite that she denied the poor perfect William. Oh and he cried, how cute is that?!?!?? ahhhhhhh pleeasee let there be more of this and i need the next one. ugh, cross fingers, hope Ingrid gets the bad karma she deserves.

Do You like book Just One Night, Part 4 (2000)?

Addictive, i just want more!!! Loved the ending cant wait to read read the next part.

I absolutely love this series. I cannot get enough of Jennifer and William.

Quickly becoming one of my favorite authors , Elle

Loved this!!!

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