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Just One Night, Part 1 (2014)

Just One Night, Part 1 (2014)

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3.34 of 5 Votes: 5
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Elle Casey

About book Just One Night, Part 1 (2014)

I kind of like the idea of going spontaneous and do one time thing. That's why im intrigue to read this. Some part get me hooked but some just not so much as I read. Its like the excitement building up then gone downhill instantly for a some little reason. At times, I don't feel the connection between the character. Its like they are trying so hard when it was suppose to be one time deal. Overall, I might go for second just to see if I can get into this. This review is for all 6 parts of the series. Though a bit cliched, very enjoyable read because the humor (same reason I loved Elle Casey's Rebel, Hellion, and Trouble).It isn't the super HAHA-laugh-until-your-gut-hurts-humor, nor is it highly intellectual complex humor, though it is quite witty. I think I enjoy Ms. Casey's style because it is relatable. Often times the seriously funny parts are during a character's internal dialogue, and I don't know about you all but I know that I have some derpy/ridiculous moments of thought myself. Another aspect gained this series more points was the English main character. Of course! Aside from imagining his awesome accent in my head, I felt like this had a more authentic feel for a foreign character. Unlike most other books where there is supposedly a British character, Ms. Casey does not just throw in a few "bloody" and "mate" in there and call it a day. Whenever we read William's POV there is a lot of English vernacular. Now I don't even know if the British use all that slang most of the time but it definitely gave him more character. Admittedly, I didn't know what about 20% of those words the English characters used, but I still liked it!

Do You like book Just One Night, Part 1 (2014)?

Simplemente lo amé y disfruté. Esperando poder leer ya la segunda parte!!

Brits just don’t do it for me, nor do tuxes.

What a cliff hanger.

4.5 stars


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