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Julian's Happy Place (2012)

Julian's Happy Place (2012)

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3.86 of 5 Votes: 4
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1622422619 (ISBN13: 9781622422616)
Siren-Bookstrand, Inc.

About book Julian's Happy Place (2012)

DNF at 68%i had to be out of my mind to start reading a second book when i didn't like the first one, but i wanted to see why ppl rate it so high (almost 4 star star is high).I have NO idea! this is horrible. the writting is just terrible, the plot is worst than in harlequins, i get it that Julian belongs to You, Beta, no need to talk about it all the time. OMG, i think i am a masochist for even opening this book.bleergh. Julian is my favorite in this series (so far). Djal is so wrapped up in his "job/career/responsibilites" that he almost loses Julian, but he wises up and makes a good choice.The theme running through the series is that some unknown person/persons is messing with the Aberdeen Pack and the pack is having a hard time tracking down the culprit.Seems like they get rid of one snake in the grass when another one rears his ugly head.

Do You like book Julian's Happy Place (2012)?

It was so ridiculous at times. But I liked it anyway.

Wonderful Second book. Can't wait for the third.

4 1/2 stars...

**re-read 2014


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