Tullian is a preacher of grace and through a difficult transition for him, God uses Colossians to soak his heart in the finished and sufficient work of Christ. That is the same thing this book will do for you as Tullian reminds you of the glory of union with Christ and the message of radical grace. The Christian's most vigorous work is seeing Christ and his accomplished obedience on our behalf. With winsome language and a fair bit of quoting other authors, Tullian drives it home in the refreshing book. Jesus is sufficient. God’s “furious love”—freely given, everlasting, unending, beyond all that I can think or imagine. My relationship with God is dependent on NOTHING: not my performance, not my wealth or works, not my position, power, or positive thinking, not my appearance, not my offerings or office. It’s all about Him; it’s all about GRACE. Using his own experience of confronting his idols of performance and approval, Tchividjian faces them and claims that Christ is enough! I definitely will be rereading this!
Do You like book Jesus + Nothing = Everything (2011)?
I love anything written by Tullian Tchivigjian! Great book looking and walking through Colossians!
Great theology but I expected more concentration on the practically in living this out.
Couldn't finish this book. It wasn't very captivating & got redundant.