This is easily, if not the best Mermaid series I have EVER read.I loved this book, everything about it! It was a flawless read for me. I am dissapointed that Reel and Erica's story is standalone, but the next one about his brother Rod sounds amazing too. I loved the author's writing style. I could picture everything she described. Ever seen Atlantis on the Little Mermaid (Disney)? Yeah well imagine that but ten times more golden and beautiful. Fennell never wrote a boring chapter and never filled in parts of her story with unnecesarry descriptions because she didn't know what to write about. Some people I noticed in the reviews below, did not like the other sea creatures being able to talk like the mers and humans, but that made the story all the more intersting to me. The side characters like Chum, were funy and great pals to have along the way.So REEEEEELLL.God he's hot. Dark lucious curly hair with emerald green eyes and a sick pack and a nice package too? Oh I think I just drooled on the keyboard. He was so MAN. And also the best Mer man. I also liked the fact Reel had legs, it made him different from everyone else and gave me a focus other than just mermaids I had read about in previous books.ERRRIICKKKAA.She was a wonderful character. Tan with long legs and brown hair with eyes as blue as the Carribean. I loved her because she was spunky. My favorite thing about her was getting to see her become more sure of herself and brave. She changed so much throughout the novel. With everything this girl was faced with (and hades was she faced with a lot, she tackled every obstacle and became a strong woman.If you enjoy paranormal romance with some hot sex scenes and you love mermaids, then this book is for you. Mer People! I was really excited about reading this story. It's not often that you come across books about Mer people. Unfortunately this one fell a little below awesome. If I had to give it a true rating it would be closer to 3.5. It wasn't necessarily blah but I wouldn't say it was really good either. I think it was the stupidity of the heroine that really did it in for me and all her extra inter-monologue of whininess. I mean seriously, you have a gorgeous hunk of meat with you who wants to protect you and you’re hung up on his tail. GET OVER IT!!! This is like a once in a life time event and you have issues... Anyways! It wasn't a bad Sunday read but it's not a keeper.
Do You like book In Over Her Head (2009)?
A sweet, fluffy little romance. Not my usual read, but I did enjoy it. Interesting world.
Punny, sexy fun under water! Loved this book!