I have always enjoyed watching I Dream of Jeannie and Bewitched so I was looking forward to reading this book.What I liked:I liked the story line and characters. I thought Matt and Eden fit well together. Both shared the loss of family and were able to find healing in each other. There was action and trails that brought the two together. I loved the view from the High Master at the end and thought it was a great addition to the story.What I didn't like:I found it a little hard to see Matt ready to give up his life to help a girl he just met. I wanted to roll my eyes through some of the "love talk" in the sex scenes, they kinda ruined the moment for me. I also found it a little hard to believe that they would be thinking about having sex every chance they got while running for their lives, it made things seem less serious to me. I can see while you're trapped waiting with no where to go but while you're running? Just seemed a little much for me.Overall, I liked this book but did not love it. A cute story and I would read more by written by this author. This was rather a fun story to read. Totally make believe but it does take you on a magical journey. The eBook has 300 pages on the Nook.Down-on-his luck Matt Ewing has the good fortune of a 2,000-year-old magic genie falling right into his lap. Beautiful and independent, Eden isn't so keen on having to answer to yet another master. Then, after centuries of being alone, Eden suddenly finds herself falling for Matt.
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I love it when a book on my TBR shelf becomes free on kindle! 11-3-11.
This was a good book but it was kind of hard to get through.