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In My Sights (2012)

In My Sights (2012)

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3.62 of 5 Votes: 2
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M/M Romance Group @ Goodreads

About book In My Sights (2012)

I really liked this. Pretty much everything about it with the exception of one thing. Ben and Tyler have been in a relationship for 5 years. A secret relationship because Tyler is seriously in the closet because of his job as a SWAT team captain. In all the 5 years Tyler never told Ben he loved him? Was he just a booty call for 5 years? It's obvious that Ben had told him but he never said the words back during ALL THAT TIME? How many people in the real world stay in a one-sided relationship like that? That was the only issue I had. Otherwise it was a great story. Tyler and Ben has been together for five years, but Tyler still keeps Ben as his "dirty little secret" due to his job as SWAT's team leader. He doesn't even answer to Ben's "I love you". Then in a bank robbery situation, Tyler finds out that Ben is one of the hostage.An interesting prompt but the execution is a bit off. The fast pace make the story less emotions. I didn't feel the chemistry between the two main characters.

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Free, coming out story, SWAT hotties, tender ending. Awesome shorty! Love A.R!!

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