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A Note Of Stress (2000)

A Note of Stress (2000)

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About book A Note Of Stress (2000)

Perspective can (and often does) completely alter the view. This is a novella about a popular Rock Star. What you see is seldom what you get. Quinn Edwards is a Rock Star and a popular icon but he is even more; he is talented and terrified. The talent came at birth but the terror was acquired when he was kidnapped. The fact that the kidnapping was a mistake and he was eventually released without any noticeable physical harm means nothing as the man was changed because of the ordeal. His birth gave him something else to set him apart from his fellow men: he is gay. This psychological and sexual and social mix leaves a very vulnerable and damaged person to flutter in society. When his personal assistant is in an automobile accident and can’t work, Quinn finds another. Enters Josh Malone. Quinn is on a downward spiral and on the verge of total collapse when Josh takes over and goes far beyond his job description to save a good man. I’m not really into gay stories and the same sex action was a slightly disturbing experience but I tried to keep an open mind and the characters (if not some of their actions) touched me. Not sure why but not a big fan of rockstar stories. However, this one focusses much more on the PTSD Josh is suffering from months after being kidnapped.Add in a pressurising manager and Quinn's life is going downhill fast. A change of PA to the supportive Josh brings comfort to Quinn and a fresh pair of eyes, getting him the help he needs.A short, free story. Would love to see this as a longer story with more of Quinn's ordeal and then his and Josh's relationship.

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Considering how short this book was it contained a lot of story. I enjoyed it a lot.

I love tormented souls and sweet love stories. This had both.

I really enjoyed this short.

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