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Il Clan Della Lupa (2007)

Il clan della lupa (2007)

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3.68 of 5 Votes: 1
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8884517893 (ISBN13: 9788884517890)

About book Il Clan Della Lupa (2007)

War of the Witches is a novel that many students would enjoy it. As Anna recognizes that her mom head disappeared, she belonged to an ancient tribe of witches. She must learn so she could go to the dark world and find her mother. Anna was shocked when she heard that her mom was a witch. Anna’s mom was chosen to end a bloody war with Odish. At the end, Anna had more powers and she would do everything do rescue her mom. She sets up dangerous Journeys just to rescue her mom. Her mom was captured by the Odish. Then she had to risk her life in every place she went because it was the dark world. As she searches for her mother, she will have new powers to help her travel all the lands. But, Anna learns that is the best magic of all. It helped her win the war against the Odish. She then knew that we shouldn’t always use powers to help us. I thought this was a pretty decent story, more original than most of the books that I've read lately, which made for a fun read. I'd actually be interested in seeing, "what happens next" because while the ending was definitely complete, there was enough room left over for a sequel. I'd be interested to see what happens to the mother and daughter, now that they're back together. Will they go on the run, or stand and fight? What's going to happen to Anaid now that she knows SHE is the chosen one. (Though, you can kind of guess that she's the chosen one from the beginning.) Anyways, a good read, I definitely recommend trying it.

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3 e mezzo.Bel libro, anche se la storia è un po' incasinata :p

I kind of liked this book, but it's not one of my favorite.


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