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I Hatched! (2014)

I Hatched! (2014)

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3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
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0803736886 (ISBN13: 9780803736887)

About book I Hatched! (2014)

Ink, watercolor, and pencil illustrations tell the story of a killdeer chick who has just hatched. Sweet vignettes tell of how the chick is discovering his various parts (feathers, beak, legs, eyes) and the aspects about himself that make him unique. There is a paragraph on the copyright page that details information on where killdeers are found and a bit on their physiology (for those parents who wish to be better informed on their animal books). Overall, a very sweet story. This picture book features rhyming text that details the hatching and first day of a baby bird. The ink/watercolor/pencil illustrations steal the show as the young bird discovers running, singing, and eating amongst other things. The book ends with another hatching and the baby bird says hello to a sister. The rhyming text and large scale illustrations makes this book perfect for sharing with a group.

Do You like book I Hatched! (2014)?

really cute book until the last page that breaks the rhythm.

The first day of a new hatchling is poetically told.

Very cute- would make a good read-aloud!

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