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Jill Esbaum

Jill Esbaum
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Books by Jill Esbaum


I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo! (2014)

Nadine is a cow who claims to not be afraid of anything. The other cows ask her to prove it. So with a big glup she and the other cows venture into the woods. At first she is scared. Then she realizes that the woods aren’t all that scary. She and the other cows have fun exploring. But when the ot...

I Am Cow, Hear Me Moo! (2014) by Jill Esbaum

Tom's Tweet (2011)

Tom could never imagine how his life would change the day he found the scrawny skinny Tweet. He thought he found breakfast, but couldn't bring himself to eat the poor little thing. Tom's actions are a reminder that not everything is what it seems to be. Text is rhyming and the story includes ways...

Tom's Tweet (2011) by Jill Esbaum

I Hatched! (2014)

Ink, watercolor, and pencil illustrations tell the story of a killdeer chick who has just hatched. Sweet vignettes tell of how the chick is discovering his various parts (feathers, beak, legs, eyes) and the aspects about himself that make him unique. There is a paragraph on the copyright page tha...

I Hatched! (2014) by Jill Esbaum

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