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Human Frailties (2013)

Human Frailties (2013)

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M/M Romance Group @ goodreads

About book Human Frailties (2013)

I liked the story but I didn't really feel the emotions between them. Ash was pretty much an ass up until the end of the story and I didn't really get why Tor was willing to forgive him for basically forcing him into sex, let alone the fact that Ash's plan had been to free himself all along knowing it would kill Tor. There was a lot that Ash needed to make up for and it didn't happen in-story. Tor just loves him and forgives him, it felt like he was only doing it because of the bond, not that there was any true substance behind it. The idea was brilliant, the story was pretty good, but it could have been much much better had the feelings between them been shown better. A little more about the magic would have been helpful and the baddies at the end felt like they were just thrown in for the sake of more angst, though it did leave it open for future books and I would read them if they are written. :) Very interesting concept. I would love to read more of these characters and this world. There was a lot put into this short, free story. A nerd from this world is transported by a wish to another world, where he meets a god stuck in human form who has a history of not caring about humanity. The human is in love at first sight... the god finds that they are annoyingly magically bonded, but takes advantage of the opportunity for good sex that his human body enjoys and craves, only to find himself wanting more.The magic system was slightly different from others I have seen, although not incredibly original, but the world was well put together and the characters were well-crafted and thought through. The sex was erotic and it was an excellent story that left me thinking and wanting more.

Do You like book Human Frailties (2013)?

A little hard to follow at times, but a nice story overall. Guessing a sequel will come next.

Simply excellent free short.


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