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Jaye McKenna

Jaye McKenna
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Books: 2 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.78

Books by Jaye McKenna


Human Frailties (2013)

I liked the story but I didn't really feel the emotions between them. Ash was pretty much an ass up until the end of the story and I didn't really get why Tor was willing to forgive him for basically forcing him into sex, let alone the fact that Ash's plan had been to free himself all along know...

Human Frailties (2013) by Jaye McKenna

Human Choices (2014)

4.5 starsThis was written from a photo and prompt for the LL series, so first I want to comment on the absolutely amazing job the author did with incorporating the prompt and the photo both so truly perfectly into the story that was written. Khy totally and utterly fit the photo right from the be...

Human Choices (2014) by Jaye McKenna

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