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Html5 Pour Les Web Designers (2000)

Html5 Pour Les Web Designers (2000)

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4.05 of 5 Votes: 5
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2212128614 (ISBN13: 9782212128611)

About book Html5 Pour Les Web Designers (2000)

I've read most of this book, and can comment that a) the content is very accessible to non-programmers, though b) knowing something about markup languages in general and the state of the world prior to HTML5 would be helpful c) the content is largely about reassuring web designers that HTML5 is our friend, and that it simplifies a lot of things by "paving the cowpaths" - and making smart defaults for various tags.This is not a comprehensive reference guide, nor is it a "learn to write HTML5 in 20 minutes (or 20 hours or 20 days)" as it's more meta- than that.i'll read the last big chapter and the reference material and then see if there's any need to add to this review. Il a un format "livre de poche", mais il a tout d'un grand !Les informations sont précises et pratiques. Certe, il se limite aux balises HTML5 propres à la mise en forme de pages web, mais il n'y a pas tromperie car c'est annoncé dans le titre. Si j'avais encore des doutes sur l'utilisation de l'HTML5, ils ont été balayés en 2 jours de lecture.J'ai apprécié l'historique de HTML, et l'humour de Jeremy Keith (assez bien traduit, même si ça tombe un peu à plat en français)A la lecture de ce livre, ça parait tellement simple... pourvu que je reste sur cet état d'esprit :)

Do You like book Html5 Pour Les Web Designers (2000)?

Helped eliminate some confusion on the use of the new elements. Great for beginners!

Great introduction to what HTML5 is, what it is not and it was ever created.

very well written background and it will be a good reference in the future.

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