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Stratégie De Contenu Web (2011)

Stratégie de contenu Web (2011)

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3.67 of 5 Votes: 3
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About book Stratégie De Contenu Web (2011)

First chapter is excellent. The question of what is "quality content" is nailed down quite well in a very satisfying way.Second chapter is ok, but doesn't really bring the material together that well. You get a bunch of ideas that don't coalesce as well as they should.Third chapter is the weakest - it feels the most uncertain about it's content, probably because this part of the process (the actual process and methodologies) doesn't have hard and fast answers. Some areas like ongoing content assessment is all but completely skimmed over.I think this is definitely a good book to get started with Content Strategy ... or even as a technical writer the first chapter is probably worth the price of admission. I don't doubt that content strategy is important, and while Kissane strongly emphasized staying away from fluff, this whole book was fluffy. Even the term "content strategist" sounds like some super PC job title to make people feel good about themselves. So ultimately it was hard to take this seriously, which seems like a huge failure for a book on content strategy. I think it should have either been a snappy article about why content strategy matters, or a much longer book with in-depth chapters on rhetoric, copywriting, etc.

Do You like book Stratégie De Contenu Web (2011)?

Snatched this from my boss' desk. So far so good.Once coffee kicks in, I'll write more.

About as interesting as elements of content strategy can be, I guess.

Good overview book. Very readable.

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