About book How To Clean A Hippopotamus: A Look At Unusual Animal Partnerships (2010)
Literary Awards: N/ABook Level: 5.2Interest Level: Lower GradesBrief Summary: In this realistically designed graphic text, readers are presented with an procedural view of relationships between organisms. Steve Jenkins and Robin Page collaborate to illustrate, in an engaging manner, certain aspects regarding nature such as why ravens might follow wolves or how crabs and iguanas assist one another. In this nonfiction text, readers will truly enjoy discovering how symbiosis works in the animal kingdom. Content Connections:Biology: Use this book to take a closer look as symbiosis, food chains, life cycles, and habitats. An extremely informative children's book about the relationships between different species. For example, some species literally feed off of each other, or may signal to the other when there is a predator, and even hunt together. The book is probably for fourth or fifth grade, however for younger children the pictures almost tell the story themselves. I like the way the pages are set up comic book style.I think it was smart to end the book describing the relationship between dogs and humans. This helps the reader to understand the relationship between species in a way that makes sense.
Do You like book How To Clean A Hippopotamus: A Look At Unusual Animal Partnerships (2010)?
Very cool book about animal partnerships (symbiosis). Interesting little tidbits.*textbook
Flat out amazing collages coupled with interesting science! Huzzah!